Kimia Pzouhan Sanat Sabz has started its activities since the eighties with the aim of creating self-sufficiency and reducing dependence in the field of chemical production, and with continuous scientific and research efforts and the use of local experts and current knowledge, it has been able to a significant extent. To meet the needs and problems of different industries. Due to the many years of production, having sufficient information and technical knowledge in the field of chemical production, after years of experience, this company was able to open the second site of its factory recently and was able to achieve the technology of producing nitrite salts. in order to export raw materials to neighboring countries in the not too distant future by reducing foreign dependencies in this field. We are proud to announce that this company is the first and only producer of sodium nitrite salt in Iran and the Middle East.

hight tec work space

Supporter of domestic products

high quality Raw material

high quality products

leader in the industry

industrials company

Experienced staff

what do we do?

Kimia Pajohan Sanat Sabz has started its activities since the eighties in order to improve the production of chemical substances, improve industrial water and optimize water and energy consumption, and in parallel with the developments in the water and wastewater industry, it has been producing water and wastewater treatment chemicals. Is .

By using the most up-to-date scientific articles, holding internal and external training courses and the most dynamic technical methods, this company is trying to increase the knowledge level of the personnel working in the industry, so that in this regard, people are aware of doing optimization activities with materials. take chemical action to achieve the best result, which is to improve the performance and efficiency of the systems. In this regard, it has tried to optimize and reduce the consumption of chemicals with the highest efficiency by producing high quality products and providing appropriate services and having an experienced staff.

feature projects

رصد گذشته، حال و آینده شناخت فراوان جامعه و متخصصان را می طلبد تا با نرم افزارها شناخت بیشتری را برای طراحان رایانه ای. 

finished projects

الخصوص طراحان خلاقی و فرهنگ پیشرو در زبان فارسی ایجاد کرد. در این صورت می توان امید.

in progress projects

صورت می توان امید داشت که تمام و دشواری موجود در ارائه راهکارها و شرایط سخت تایپ به پایان رسد وزمان مورد نیاز شامل حروفچینی دستاوردهای اصلی و جو.

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web designer : EZ Web