The amount of nitrite in meat products

Sodium nitrite (NaNo2) is one of the substances that is used to process meats in order to stabilize their red color and prevent the activity of spoilage-producing microorganisms and also to improve the taste.
Saturday، 13 August 2022 | Article Rating
The amount of nitrite in meat products

Sodium nitrite (NaNo2) is one of the substances that is used to process meats in order to stabilize their red color and prevent the activity of spoilage-producing microorganisms and also to improve the taste.

But today, due to its relationship with the formation of nitrosamines, which are proven to be carcinogenic, and also its effect in causing methemoglobin disease, the amount of nitrite used has decreased by about one-fifth compared to two decades ago. If sodium nitrite is used, its amount in the final product should not exceed 120 ppm. The purpose of this research is to measure the amount of sodium nitrite in sausage and sausage meat products and compare it with the standard amount and its changes over time.

In order to carry out sampling, on 30 different production dates of each of the products of 11 factories importing meat products to Semnan province, the samples were taken to the laboratory under suitable conditions. To measure the amount of nitrite, the standard method No. 923 provided by the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran was used.

After determining the concentration of the samples, the mean 95% confidence interval was estimated for all the samples and its significance was analyzed with the amount of the nitrite standard. In the experiments conducted on the production products, the highest amount of sodium nitrite was obtained in sausage products with code A with an average of 55.2 mg per kilogram and in sausage products with code C with an average of 7.9 mg per kilogram. that the amounts of sodium nitrite in the products of 11 factories with 0.05

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